Monday, April 13, 2015

The Prego Diaries: Week 5 Shenanigans

So far I haven't had any terrible pregnancy symptoms, but this week gave birth to some odd food cravings and repulsions.
  • Strange thing #1: Sometimes the thought of meat disgusts me. I'm 95% carnivore, so this is totally unexpected. For dinner one night I made chicken thighs and vegetables, loaded up my plate, and only ate the vegetables. Weird.  
  • Strange thing #2: Baby carrots. I ate almost an entire bag of baby carrots in one sitting. 6:30pm found me sitting on the couch, watching Hulu, crunching away. Maybe I was channeling the Easter Bunny. 
  • Strange thing #3: Around 9pm one night I found a lonely, old grapefruit at the back of my fridge. I ate it, and for some reason it tasted like the most heavenly grapefruit I have ever eaten. I keep wanting another one. 
  • Strange thing #4: Sam told me she craved things like cucumbers and mangoes when she was pregnant. By 4pm I had to make a quick run to HEB and buy mangoes. I was drawn to the pre-cut section and purchased a little tub of them. They were the greenest, hardest, most unripe mangoes I have ever eaten, and they were delicious and I gobbled them up like they were my last meal. 
My body has started to whisper "change is coming" in some subtle (and not so subtle) ways:
  • Subtle Change #1: I smell smells that don't exist. I have gagged several times while walking by the kitchen garbage can, even though it's empty and (presumably) odor-less. Phil thinks I'm crazy. 
  • Subtle Change #2: I get winded a lot faster. For the past 3 years I have taken great pleasure in playing volleyball for 2 or 3 hours each Wednesday. I usually don't feel tired until the last 30 minutes or so... but now I start struggling after 2 games. I will really miss playing. 
  • Not-so-subtle Change #3: Boobs. Argh. Boobs hurt. Always. And they're bigger. And won't quit hurting. I can no longer run up the stairs or drive quickly over speed bumps. This sucks

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