I peed on a stick
And 3 minutes later
I smiled :)
Finally! Some of you may say...And 3 minutes later
I smiled :)
I took a home pregnancy test on Friday, March 27th, and here was the result:
The Story: This pregnancy test was no shocker, it just confirmed what I already knew. I was already 5 days late when I took the test, and since my body has been like clockwork ever since I turned 13, I knew what was up. This is totally a planned baby. After late-day-2 I felt like I should buy a pregnancy test, but didn't want to take one so early, and also didn't want to run the risk of running into anybody at Target while holding that little pink box in my hands. (I'm a big one for secrets.) So I went and ordered it on Amazon instead; two-day shipping is awesome. I figured that would give Aunt Flo a last chance to show up and keep this as private as possible.
So Friday night came, I got home from work, made dinner, ate it on the couch watching TV, and finally got my butt up to go shower. And pee on a stick. Those 3 minutes I spent kneeling with my head against the counter waiting for red lines to appear were the longest ever!
But then... that happened. And my whole world changed forever.
I am pleasantly surprised at the lack of symptoms... so far there has been no nausea, vomiting, weird cravings, strong repulsion to odors, or tiredness. I totally hope it stays that way, fingers crossed! Hopefully I'm like my mom: she told me she had zero uncomfortable symptoms throughout the entire 9 months, lucky her. I'm only just starting week 4, so there's still a lot of things that can come my way. I will sit and count my lucky stars that everything is completely normal so far.
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