Sunday, August 24, 2014

When P's Out On A Hitch

A compilation of  things to NOT say to an Oilfield Wife:

1. "Don't you miss him?" ... No shit, Sherlock. He's my husband and he's been gone for 3 weeks. Of course I miss him.

2. "So how is he doing?" I get to talk to him for about 3 minutes out of the day, if I'm lucky. All I know is where he's at and that he's alive. I wish I knew more, but I don't... so maybe quit asking.

3. "Isn't that dangerous?" Yes, it is. I worry for his safety every second of every day, but thanks for bringing it to the front of my mind, that's very thoughtful of you.

4. "Will he be home for Christmas/Valentines/your Anniversary?" The schedule is 3 weeks on, 1 week off. That's it. If it falls within that schedule, then he'll be home. If it doesn't, then he I'll be on my own.

5. "You're lucky you get to have the house all to yourself and have some alone time!" I don't know what kind of sad, crappy relationship you have with your guy, but I'll never be glad our home is half empty, and I'll never be glad to be away from my hubby. I miss him every second of every day. I married him because I love and want to be close to him, not because I want to use him as an ATM.

6. "Isn't oil like... bad?" First off, if you're telling me that, get the hell out of Texas. Secondly, no, oil isn't "bad". It's what keeps our family afloat and living comfortably. Actually, it's what keeps entire cities afloat. And it's a necessity for the lifestyle we have in the US of A, and basically everywhere else in the world. We can't get rid of it, so don't get all "go green" on me because I happen to hold a Bachelors degree in Environmental Science and I actually know wth I'm talking about.

7. "So what do you do when he's gone?" Distractions. Lots of distractions. I do whatever I have to do to keep my mind off the fact that I won't see him until next month. I pay the bills, binge watch crappy Netflix, clean maniacally, re-arrange furniture, go to school, study, work 2 jobs, exercise the dog, pick up new hobbies, spend hours at Barnes and Nobel, keep myself fed... But really, most of what I do is constantly glance at my phone to see how long I have until the possible 3-minute phone call of the day. And maybe find funny pics to send to my hubby to try and brighten his day.

8. "Oh, you'll get used to the schedule. And he'll be home before you know it." Try this: Go an entire 3 weeks without using your right hand. Just drag it around limply and pretend it's not there. You can still survive, right? And you can still live your life normally. And after 3 weeks you'll be able to use your hand for 1 whole week! You can make up for lost time then.
... same principle. It's a life we have chosen, but it's not always easy, so stop undermining our feelings.

So...disclaimer. Life isn't quite as miserable as I make it sound, I'm pretty dramatic in writing, lol. P and I have been separated due to work before and this time around isn't even half as bad as that was. I blame this sassy blog post full of sarcasm on the "writing bug" that hit me at midnight tonight because I took a 4 hour Sunday nap, haha. I love my hubby and I can't wait to have him home again, 17 more days! 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Empty Nesting

Is this what empty nesting feels like? Because if it is, then I'm about 25 years too early. Philip left this morning for a job in Newark, NJ and our little apartment has never felt bigger. He's been out in the GoM working at an oil rig off the coast of Louisiana for the past 2-ish weeks, and now he's gone again! He was only in Corpus Christi for about 16 hours, and 8 of those I was at work, 4 were spent sleeping, 2 were spent stuck in traffic, and 2 were spent packing. It kinda sucked, but at least I got to see him.
I dropped him off at the airport this morning; he will be working in Newark, NJ for the next 3.5 weeks! Ugh, being an adult isn't fun sometimes.
BUT, on the other hand... here are the things I get to do in his absence:

  1. drive his truck. seriously, I don't think he is ever getting this truck back. finders keepers. 
  2. cook foods i love, but he doesn't. like spaghetti and all kinds of soup!
  3. decorate like crazy and move furniture around
  4. plan for super fun holiday trips like Christmas in New York :)
  5. read more books! (I read 3 during the 2 weeks he was out at sea, it was great)
  6. spend more time at Barnes and Nobel and less time at Lowe's
  7. visit more people everywhere; the Valley, San Antonio, and I might even get wild and show up in Houston, Loni! 
  8. give the TV/Xbox a much-needed rest
  9. not feel guilty about takeout on the nights when i'm just not hungry enough to make dinner
  10. have a fantastic week every month of having my hubby home with no other obligations <3
Ok, coming up with 10 good things about being lonely was more difficult than I thought it would be, but I think this schedule is something I could really get used to. I have tons of things to do while he's away, and I will always have something to look forward to. 

On a related subject, look at these pictures of him working out in the middle of the ocean! 
the basket that lifted them onto the platform

hardly working

and working hard

an almost-sunset 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Seven Lists of Seven Things

I'm bored and I feel like typing. Plus the typing keeps my fingers occupied and away from those pickles and Takis, so I've decided to pick a random number out of my "Prompts for the Future" list and write about that. This is an easy one:

Seven Lists of Seven Things:

      1. 7 Things I Like To Eat
        1. little mexican bistec tacos
        2. baby carrots out of the bag
        3. baby back ribs from Rudy's
        4. grapefruit in every way possible
        5. all kinds of soup
        6. lemon pepper wings
        7. cream cheese wontons
      2. 7 Things I Don't Like To Eat
        1. celery
        2. mint chocolate
        3. avocado
        4. pineapple on my pizza
        5. milk
        6. cherry tomatoes
        7. papaya
      3. 7 Things I Like To Talk About
        1. pets
        2. books or movies
        3. religion
        4. baby names
        5. bucket lists
        6. consumer electronics
        7. psychology
      4. 7 Things I Don't Like To Talk about
        1. how was work?
        2. politics
        3. LGBT issues
        4. sports
        5. what to do after college
        6. "best way" to raise kids
        7. clothes/fashion
      5. 7 Things I Hoard
        1. notebooks
        2. books
        3. Burt's Bees Lip Balm
        4. laundry detergent
        5. coupons
        6. scrapbook paper
        7. handwritten letters
      6. 7 Movies I Like Quoting
        1. Pitch Perfect
        2. Nacho Libre
        3. Harry Potter 1-8
        4. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 
        5. The Hangover
        6. The Princess Bride
        7. Napoleon Dynamite 
      7. 7 Songs That Played on Pandora While Writing This
        1. Really Don't Care, Demi Lovato
        2. Let It Go, Tim McGraw
        3. Bailando, Enrique Iglesias
        4. Waka Waka, Shakira
        5. Bartender, Lady Antebellum
        6. Rewind, Rascal Flats
        7. Wasted, Tiesto

GERD in 3..2..1 *blagh*

Today I came into my office and discovered a huge treat! Dale's famous home-made pickles! That's like a half-gallon of them, and they're for ME! Ever since I tried one of his pickles about a year ago, I have never purchased regular store-bought ones because they're just not the same thing. Once in a while Dale will share his pack lunch of pickles with me and I always savor the moment. I'm so crazy excited for this huge jar of pickles just for me! Plus... I kinda stopped by the gas station on my way into work and snagged a bag of Takis. Not the best combination for a healthy, heartburn-less esophagus, but oh well, I'll deal with the consequences later. 
As for now.... *munch, munch munch*
