I have no idea what made me do it... maybe it was nostalgia, maybe it was the lure of working at a water park, maybe it was the desire to be more active, maybe it was the promise of more money added to my bank account, or maybe it was a combination of all 4, but I applied. Not only was I hired 2 minutes after meeting with my manager, but I was promoted to my old position of Admissions Lead about 20 minutes into my first day there. That was 8 days ago. And since then, I've become a bit of a nut due to a combination of 5 factors:
1. I have a full time job that I am committed to (Great Sage)
2. I have a full time job that I am committed to (Schlitterbahn)
3. I have a full time job that I am not so committed to, but am responsible for anyway (housewife)
4. I am a full time student and I've become very anal about grades dropping below a 95.
5. I have just been called as 1st Counselor in the Young Women's Organization
Looks like I've bitten off a bit more than I can chew, huh? I think so, too. Today I am extremely grateful about the fact that for some unknown reason my subconscious has refused to let me sleep in past 7AM every day for months now, so even when I'm exhausted and I try to go back to bed, I cannot fall asleep. This used to be annoying, but now it's great news! It means that I'll have no option but to get out of bed and go do the things I'm responsible for.
Yesterday night as we sat in an office doing Admission-y things, my manager broke the silence and said "Dang girl, did you know you've worked 60 hours??" I said "yeah... I know..." and finished my act with a sincere yawn.
If you think those 60 hours have been over the course of 2 weeks, you are WRONG, my friend. Those 60 hours have occurred during 8 days. Two of those days I was Off. Two of those days I only worked from 6PM to 10PM. You do the math. Want me to do it for you? I worked 40 hours in one weekend, and that's only because I asked for Sunday morning off so that I could go to church.
Of course, that's only counting one job. I have not yet taken into account how I've also worked 30-some hours at my year-round job, or how I've sat for eternities in classrooms at school.
Isn't that crazy? I worked about 93 hours in ONE WEEK!!!
Student loans: Beware. My paychecks and I are ready to make battle!
So what was the point of this whole blog post?? A few minutes ago I was thinking about how great it would be to lay my head down on my desk and close my eyes just for two seconds. Then, I was rudely awoken by a knock on my office door while I was dreaming about "how I really shouldn't leave my head down for longer than 2 seconds". I bet I was asleep for 10 minutes haha.
This is how terrible I look like today. My hair is untamed and untamable. My eyes have forgotten what mascara feels like, and the hot, heavy, humid July weather has attacked my facial skin like only summer in Corpus Christi can. After years of a clean face, I have now sprouted 4 pimples and a lavishly decorative collection of freckles all over the place.
You see them? They're all in a line under my nose. Wonder what's up with THAT. Haha. Whatever.
Drawbacks to my current life:
1. Sun damage to skin
2. Tired all the times
3. Hair is forever unruly
Benefits of my current life:
1. Never have trouble sleeping!
2. I wouldn't be surprised if I've lost 5 lbs in a week.
3. Extra money = death to credit card debt
So my point is: I'm tired. But I'd also like to mention how great I feel. This morning I woke up thinking about how you never really know how much you can do until you're pushed past the limit. It feels awesome to feel tired after a long weekend and know that I did the best I could in every aspect. And so that's my story for today. =)