Thursday, November 21, 2013

Things About Dam

Remember when "about me" lists were super popular on myspace and facebook just because people love talking about themselves? I loved those. I have just completed a 1-hour project at work which was supposed to take 8 hours, so that's the main reason for this list. It's super fun and relaxing to type away.
  1. Daydreaming while driving is probably my favorite pastime 
  2. I love making lists, itineraries, plans, brainstorming, etc for any occasion so much that almost 90% of these are hypothetical or fictional. 
  3. I can't stand the sound of pencils or colored pencils scratching away on paper. 
  4. Organizing things, especially books, is as therapeutic and relaxing for me as neck massage can be for other people. 
  5. I firmly believe that creativity spawns from a blank slate, and by blank slate I mean a clean kitchen for cooking, a cleared desk for writing, an organized bedroom for decorating, etc. I apply this to nearly every aspect of my life. 
  6. I am a book hoarder, and I am especially drawn to mass-market paperbacks because I can fit more of them on shelves. It frustrates me that when a new book comes out, it is almost always only available in hard-back copies. 
  7. Watered-down dish or hand soap is disgusting. 
  8. I've secretly always wanted a tattoo. Or several. 
  9. I never really learned how to do anything to my hair besides a ponytail or bun. 
  10. I have zero tolerance for pain. 
  11. I would suck at drinking alcohol... I can't even take NyQuil without acting like a retard. 
  12. I can't stand shows like NCIS because the reality of it makes me either depressed or have nightmares or both. Same goes for scary movies. 
  13. Whenever I'm having a hard day I go read a Harry Potter book. 
  14. I can't fall asleep if my feet are cold. 
  15. Fake fingernails are gross. 
  16. When books or movies don't have a happily ever after ending, I make my own up and convince myself that that's how it really ended. 
  17. I'm a super light sleeper; the softest touch or sound will wake me. 
  18. I despise alarm clocks. 
  19. I'm not a fan of milk. I think it's strange that humans are the only mammal which still drinks milk after achieving physical maturity. 
  20. I'm fluent in Spanish, yet I suck at translating anything. 
  21. I love to bake desserts for other people, but if it goes unnoticed I lose all confidence and take it extremely personally and won't make that same thing for a long time. 
  22. Cooking is like art to me. Just like a real painting isn't done with a "color by numbers" then a real dish shouldn't be made with a recipe, or else you're just copying someone else's work. 
  23. Cicadas and rain are my favorite sounds. 
  24. As soon as it starts raining my mood improves, no matter what. 
  25. I am not a fan of windy days. 
  26. I am annoyingly frugal with some things. Like if I can re-use that piece of aluminum foil 5 times, I will. And I always cut my paper towels in half and use only one piece. 
  27. Record-keeping is another therapeutic pastime. I have at least 10 journals and multiple notepads full of seemingly meaningless information. 
  28. I despise clutter and hoarding. 
  29. I believe that every object in the house should have a permanent "home" of where it should go and not be floating around from surface to surface, like that annoying nail clipper which never stays in the same spot. 
  30. I have a hard time writing the letter W and the number 8. I always pause for a second before I write and tell myself "ok, ok, I can do this". 
  31. I have ASMR. A dog chewing on a bone will trigger it. I discovered it when I was 5 but didn't realize there was a name for it until two months ago. 
  32. I am extremely comfortable with silence. Sometimes I uncontrollably wince when someone starts talking too loudly.  
  33. I've already grown bored of this list, but the fact that this is number 33 makes it impossible for me to just stop listing things. 
  34. I never thought I looked like either of my parents until sometime this year when random photos were taken of me and I somehow saw my mom in them. Point of interest, it also creeps me out how I open my mouth and my mom comes out sometimes. 
  35. For about 5 years I haven't gone a day without applying Burts Bees Lip Balm right after brushing my teeth. 

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