Wednesday, August 28, 2013

lucky craigslist find

Yesterday I was doing my daily perusing of craigslist furniture. I don't even know why I look for stuff in there so often... maybe it's because it feels like a city-wide garage sale that I don't actually have to walk around in. Towards the end of my 'craigslist time' for the day, I came across an ad for a bookshelf for $40 and opened it up. I didn't expect much since nice bookshelves go for much more than that, but I was pleasantly surprised to find this one! The previous owner had purchased it for $140 two months ago for her son's bedroom, but was disappointed when it was not the "barn red" color she'd expected. This might be a boring story, but it just made my day.
 I was texting with Philip, who apparently had a slow day at work, and advised him to come searching for me in case I didn't show up again. He was nice enough to ask what kind of sandwich I wanted him to bring along after rescuing me, but thankfully neither one of those things was necessary. 

  I received A TON of pretty picture frames as wedding gifts, and my issue so far has been not having any flat surfaces to put them on, so they've been sitting in a drawer for over a month. So yay! I finally get to display them! I took extreme pleasure in filling up this bookshelf, organizing things, and making room for more books on my other one. Another great thing about this story.... we have a visit to Half-Priced Books coming up this afternoon to look for some of Philip's textbooks. Yay!

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