A couple of months ago I met a person at Schlit [water park job] who is literally the opposite of me personality-wise. He is super outgoing, full of confidence when meeting new people, and an
extreme (to everyone's slight annoyance) morning person. We got along pretty well, and in our free time as we walked the park he told me that he hated being in the office doing "officey things" (which is my favorite part of the job) because it drained him. He loved being outside and talking to literally every single person he saw, and told me that doing that "charged his batteries" and gave him energy and enthusiasm. I was awed, because talking to people is mentally the most exhausting thing I can think of... customer service jobs aren't really for me.
This got me thinking though... what "charges MY batteries"? What are the things that give me energy and enthusiasm? I made a list, of course, and here it is:
- researching & planning for vacations (I can literally do this for HOURS and not notice)
- going to the zoo or aquarium
- creating anything artistic digitally (photo books, blogs, GIS maps, etc.)
- making lists (duh) .... and checking things off to-do lists
- listening to super cool instrumental music (Lindsey Sterling... look her up, ya'll)
- organizing files on my computer (gosh I'm so boring. but yeah, so true)
- reading cute blogs by people so much more creative than myself
- reading a good book. alone. in quiet.
- going to the movies with P
- going to the beach
- cleaning or reorganizing my house
- trying out new recipes (but only when the food is for someone else)
- looking at "dream houses" online
- searching for cute baby names. or cool pet names.
- making next month's calendar of when bills are due
- reading and replying to an email from Chris
- driving while listening to a really good song
- days when it's both sunny and raining
- talking about a subject I know a lot about
- making a .pdf of my next semester's schedule
- spending time on goodreads.com adding books to my to-read list
- taking personality tests
- listening to people talk in southern accents (I love it, idk why)
- the first cool, crisp day of autumn
- wearing a favorite outfit I feel confident in
Well... this list goes to show how much of an introvert I am. Hanging out with friends is fun and all... but man it's tiring, haha. My goal for this week is to do something that energizes me:
try out a new recipe and blog about it