Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lesson Learned

I am incredibly susceptible to any kind of drug. (not that I've tried many) My most excruciating migraine can be gone with 500mg of acetaminophen, or sometimes just a few sips of coke or mountain dew. I cannot be around people when I take a NyQuil because I will act like I was out drinking all night, and it's incredibly annoying. Aright, so you get the point, right? Me + Drugs = NormalEffect^3 
Monday night I tossed and turned in bed for hours... I think I got 3 hours of sleep total, and not the good, deep sleep... the one where you still know what's going on around you, just with your eyes closed. I hate insomnia. So Tuesday night Phil suggested that I take a Tylenol PM so I could get some rest, and I concurred since I hate sleepless nights. This was my first time taking Tylenol for something other than very bad pain, and it was NOT A GOOD IDEA. 
30 minutes after I swallowed that little pill I succumbed into a nearly comatose sleep that lasted 10 hours. It was great and all, but when the time came to go to work it was like raising the dead. Like a mummy in those kinds of movies. I went the entire day wishing I could go back to bed, and by lunchtime I had developed an actual migraine that usually only comes when I haven't had enough sleep. I decided more painkillers was NOT what I needed, so I just toughed it out for the rest of the day. I went to bed with a migraine, plus I think my body was still not over the hibernating thing because I slept a full 10 hours again, but woke up with the same headache. 
So I have no idea what the heck is going on in this head of mine, but I know 3 things: I'm still sleepy, my head still hurts, and I will stay far away from any sort of sleeping aids from now on. If my torpid state lasts until lunchtime then I will resort to some of my precious Mountain Dew. *falls asleep on the keyboard* *logkeffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff*

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