Monday, March 10, 2025

Self-Care, Flamingos, and The Art of Getting Pink

 About a year ago I started seeing this TikTok trend of moms "getting their pink back" and showing a before and after transformation. The before was usually an unhappy, tired, unhealthy version of themselves and the after was a vibrant, thriving woman. The tagline refers to the phenomenon of flamingo parents losing their vibrant pink color while they raise their babies because so much of the carotenoids in their diet that gives them their color is given to their chicks, and so their plumage turns a dull gray. Once the chicks are older and require less care, the flamingo parents "get their pink back" again. 

I am just here to say: I see you, mama flamingo. I probably AM you. And the odd thing is, even though I consider myself extremely self-aware, I am just starting to notice what pink feels like again. Over the last year(ish) of my life I have traipsed an erratic, frustrating, agonizingly slow movement to take better care of myself. It all started with seemingly routine bloodwork 2 years ago, and it spiraled from there, mostly against my will. To be honest, if my friend hadn't made a call to his PCP pretending he was my assistant and made the first appointment for me, I'd probably still be napping on the couch. 

It turns out that I had iron deficiency anemia, and I probably had it for years. I am a mother of 3, and I was anemic in pregnancy number two, and I doubt it actually ever came up to acceptable levels before the third little parasite started taking her share. On this side of things it is absurd to me that it never crossed my mind that something was wrong. I just thought "this is motherhood". 

I'm tired because I don't get enough sleep. I haven't watched TV in a year because my eyes close as soon as I sit down, I love naps so this is normal. The kids wear me out; they're loud and fast and they take all of my energy. I have headaches because I need caffeine, or because there's particulate matter in the air, or it's another hormonal migraine. I'm out of breath climbing the stairs because I'm out of shape, I'm a lazy mom who can't even manage a 20 min workout. I fall asleep immediately at bedtime but have trouble sleeping through the night, it must be because I keep stealing naps during the day. I have heart palpitations, that's just a sign of getting old, there's a family history of heart disease. I'm always craving ice water, it's so delicious and refreshing! My hair is falling out in clumps, this shampoo is terrible, I need to spend money on the good stuff. Why are other moms always planning weekend activities to do with their kids!? They are so annoyingly extra, I hate that for them, there's nothing I'd rather be doing on the weekend than napping while the kids have unlimited screentime. My husband is always trying to plan something, he wants to go camping, or float down the river, or invite people over. He just doesn't get how much work everything is! It's never worth the extra work! Why does my out of town family plan something every month? Can't they get that making the 2.5 hour drive is impossible for me? Don't they understand how many times I've almost killed my family by falling asleep on the road? What is WRONG with everybody! 

I'm ashamed to say that all these thoughts, and many other ridiculous ones, were a constant internal monologue. I literally believed all those, I even believed I was depressed but good at hiding it, before I realized that there was a fundamental amount of a certain mineral almost missing completely from my body. There were other bad things too; my triglycerides were high because I couldn't find the will to cook at home most evenings, so we ate out a lot. My A1C was also high. My Vitamin D was low (still working on that one), and honestly there was a slew of other things that feel like too much to list. 

It took about a year of tiny changes and gross vitamins to get things going in the right direction. Birth control to stop my periods and preserve the tiny amount of iron I had left in me from sloshing down the toilet. More attention to what I was eating. Prioritizing long stretches of sleep above phone scrolling. As I write this out I'm thinking this probably would not have taken 2 years if I wasn't so terrible at doing the things. 

I wanted to wait on this post until after I felt fully pink, but I'm coming to the realization that becoming pink is sort of like an uphill hike that ends only when you die. I actually wanted to sit here and vent about the mediocrities of the American healthcare system; the only less efficient machine that that is navigating our political one. Okay maybe we do have time for one tiny rant. 


In 2024 the bulk of my medical care happened between October and December. I wish I could say it just happened by chance but it really happened because I procrastinate things and the end of the year was at hand. Do you know how many damn appointments I had to keep just to maintain things?! Let me pull up this calendar: 

  1. Routine yearly PCP visit
  2. Follow-up appointment just to get blood drawn
  3. Secondary appointment just to get a sonogram (I have a hearnia that needs fixing)
  4. Tertiary appointment to go over blood work results and be prescribed necessary vitamins. 
  5. Biannual dental visit for a cleaning (I floss, go me) 
  6. Dental follow up #1 to re-do a very old filling (preventive maintenance) 
  7. Dental follow up #2 to re-do a very old filling (on the other side of the mouth) 
  8. Yearly OB visit for a pap smear and to get another year's worth of BC
  9. First ever visit to a dermatologist to see why tf I'm balding? 
  10. Initial visit to a general surgeon to talk about the hernia he's supposed to fix
And you know what the annoying part is? I don't get to just come and go as I please. I need to schedule each of these at a time school can care for the older 2 children and a relative can care for the youngest. I have to take time off work, drop off my child, go see Dr. Whatever, go pick up the child, come home, get her fed, and then begin working again. Ten freaking times. It's honestly no wonder I went so many years in that state, it's exhausting to do even at this better stage of health. 

That's enough. I think I should end this in a positive note. I'm sitting here reflecting on how different my body feels; 20 pounds lighter, more alert, willing to host a party any time, planning exciting things with my family. This past weekend I did something I had not done in years: I asked my family if we could get together and have a BBQ just so the cousins could spend the day playing. I woke up, packed up the car, drove my kids there, helped prepare lots of food, sort of helped clean up, packed up everyone again, and drove us home. My eyes never closed of their own accord, I did not need an energy drink, and I did not come home angry at how exhausted and overwhelmed I was. I did not mourn the loss of my lazy Saturday nap. I just felt... capable. 

As slow as this process is going, I don't know when (or if) I'll ever be able to make a fun before and after socials post, but I am grateful and proud of the small changes that have gotten me to the present; maybe a soft bubblegum pink color. 

A mom striving for the vibrant coral of a young unmarried flamingo. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Warning: System Engine Failure

Failure. I think I'd be hard pressed to find a single adult on Earth who hasn't felt like a failure at one point or another. Failure is that awful, defeated feeling you get when you crawl into bed at the end of the day and go "well so much for that" or "I never want to live through that again" or "how can I numb my thoughts?". 

And the thing is that I know (like, I know-know) that I wasn't a complete failure. I know how hard I am working. I know I've had periods of stagnation in my life, and this is definitely not one of them. I know how much I am capable of and I know I have skimmed the upper limits of it lately, and yet that useless feeling lingers. 

It can go like this sometimes: 

You force your burning eyes open and drag yourself out of bed at 6:15 am, hold on to to the banister for dear life, and make a bottle of formula for your crying baby. You race against time and take the 30 seconds it's warming to remove 7 items from the dishwasher and put them away. You take the long way around the kitchen to let the dog outside. You pause for 5 seconds in the living room and pick up discarded clothing items from the day before. You climb back up, turn on the hallway light so your older children will start waking, and go comfort the crying baby. You change a diaper, sit her across your lap, feed her the bottle with one hand and check your email with another. 

It has become a game, this life. It has become a vital game to see how much productivity you are able to squeeze out of every 30-second increment of your life, so that by the end of the day, you won't have failed completely. 

After feeding, you take 30 more seconds to both burp her and hold her close, and you take a few deep breaths of her sweet newborn baby scent, and you soak it up like life points. Then you set her down, change her out of sleeping clothes, and go rouse the boys. And oh yay! They are already awake! That skims a few minutes off of the morning routine. You send the oldest to use the bathroom and brush his teeth, go into their closet and pull out outfits for both. You rush back to your bedroom, pause to find baby's pacifier, and head into the closet to change. Sports bra, t-shirt, leggings, sandals, hair tie. Do you have a minute to brush your teeth? Not today. Oldest is out of the restroom and youngest is potty training, so he needs your help to get in there quickly before tragedy strikes. Luckily you began using the bathroom after the 3am baby feeding, so bladder is relatively empty at this hour. 

Now the rush begins. Re-direct 7 year old over and over until he is dressed. Beg, coerce, and bribe 3 year old to use the potty. Fight over who gets toothpaste on their toothbrush first. Find a comb. Grab a child. Hate yourself because he's been asking for a haircut for 2 weeks and you just.cant.find.the.time. Send everybody downstairs. Grab baby, grab discarded empty bottles, grab cellphone, grab burp cloth, grab blanket. Moms have incredible grip strength, by the way. 

Find children playing downstairs. Shout the need for shoes. Find car key. Find car seat. Find shoes for everybody. Help 3 year old with shoes. Help 7 year old with homework folder. Make a round of turning off all the lights that somehow turned on within the last 5 minutes. Pick up baby. Feel wetness on baby's back. Ugh. Let go of the multiple random objects you were holding, set baby down, and change a blowout. Do it quickly. She's cold. Boys are hyper. There's already too much noise. Find whatever clothes happen to be downstairs to dress her in. Baby in car seat? Check. Toddler has shoes? Check. 7 year old has backpack? Check. Did we do homework last night? Nobody can remember, so we'll do double tonight. 

And now climb in car. Open door 1, let toddler in. Open door 2, put the key in the ignition. Walk around and open door 3, put infant car seat in. Be thankful the oldest can get in on his own and latch his seatbelt. Success! You made it to school early-on-time. Wish him a good day, and instead of driving home, drive to a clothes donation station because those bags can't remain in the trunk of the car any longer. 

Rush home, feed toddler, and caffeinate yourself. Make baby comfortable on play mat, let dog inside, clean up more random dishes in the kitchen, and pull out ingredients for crock pot carnitas. Wash some more dishes, and wonder if the rash on the back of your hands will ever go away. 

Now it's time to clock in and begin working! And baby is a little hungry, a little uncomfortable, a little lonely, and it's a little too loud for her to rest. You're also a little too busy to interact with your toddler. You're a little too late in replying to emails, messages, requests for help. You have 15 tabs open on the desktop. That is no longer enough, so you have 5 tabs open on your laptop at the kitchen table, so you can work while you sit next to your toddler and lie to yourself and say you "spend time with him in the morning". No you don't. You know you don't. You just glance over and make eye contact and agree to what he says whenever he says MOM MOM MOM too many times in a row. 

35 emails and 3 zoom meetings later, you realize your kids have been asking for food for too long. You neglected to take your toddler to the bathroom hours earlier, so now he tells you he's pooped his underwear. You want to get upset. You tell him he needs to poop in the toilet. But it's really your fault. You were about to stand up 2 hours ago to take him, but a message came in and you sat back down to answer it instead. 

You don't have time for a meal. Your toddler eats cookies. You eat chips and guacamole, and you keep pushing. Your breaks are getting to sit in the living room while you feed your baby. You run to the garage to switch the laundry over before the last meeting of the day. You hand your toddler the iPad, turn off the tv, and open Zoom for the last time. You turn off your camera at random intervals so you can get up and put the pacifier back in your baby's mouth, because you didn't get a chance to rock her to sleep and she's a bit neglected. 

And even though the day just started, it's now school pick-up time. Desktop to sleep. Laptop to sleep. Mouse off. Dog inside. Baby in car seat. Shoes on toddler. Sunglasses on head. Key in hand. Car seat on arm. Lights off all around. And this is your big break. You ALWAYS arrive 40 minutes early for school pickup. It eases your anxiety about not getting there in time, and gives you a break from work because there is only so much that can get done from a cellphone. Triple bonus because sometimes the toddler and the baby fall asleep in the car, and there is nothing like car naps and car silence. 

You recognize that at least there is this. At least there has never been a day when your son is wondering where you are. At least you have been a constant at the end of the sidewalk. Rain or shine or 9 months pregnant, at least there is this. Your outstretched hand and your listening ear when the first grade boy says "mom! I did good today!". 

So back in the car you go. Seat belts on, music on low, off you go to piano class. But wait. You ALWAYS bring him an after-school snack, but today you forgot! A quick pit stop home for a water bottle and whatever cookies the toddler did not get his hands on. 

Piano drop off is done, and thankfully dad can take it from here today. You text him the pickup time anyway, just so he's aware, like he's been aware the last 8 times. Come home, turn tv back on, and don't disturb baby because she loves sleeping in the car seat and that's just what works for everybody at this hour. Answer more emails. Start thinking that "hey, maybe that's enough progress for today, maybe this can wait until tomorrow" Open the clock-out page, and then hear the ping of a Google Meet invite. Just kidding with the clock-out page. 

Dad and son arrive, and invite you to grandmas house because grandpa needs help. You had said yes earlier, but it turns out you could use the quiet hour to be productive. It's funny. You took 2 months off work to recover and bond with your newborn baby, but now there's a mess created by your absence, and now you get to both fail at work and fail at motherhood all at once. Let's not even mention marriage. 

Guess what? Nobody had time for dinner. Homework took too long. Toddler had another accident. Dad had random calls to make. Baby felt neglected. You were needed everywhere. Everybody who ate did so in a hurry and standing or walking around. Somehow it was already past bedtime, and everyone still needed a shower. Rush to wake, rush to bed, rush rush rush. 

With any hope I will be less of a failure tomorrow. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

2022 Resolutions, Plans, and Let's See Where Life Takes Us

I was deleting clutter from my phone's pictures during the odd limbo of After-Christmas and Before-New Year's week, and started off by deleting screenshots since many of those had to do with my old job. The oldest screenshot I have on my phone is from February 6, 2015. It is a random paragraph from a random list on a random website I no longer visit (StumbleUpon), and the random paragraph says the following: 

Move towards what you want rather than away from what you don't: Make sure that your dominant actions are occurring because you want something to happen, rather than because you are afraid of what might happen. For example, call your Mom when you want to talk to her, not when you are afraid she will get mad at you for not calling. Moving because of fear creates more fearful experiences. Moving because of your dreams makes more dreams happen. Move mindfully. 

 This has been on my mind ever since that day. I never remember the full quote verbatim, but I remember the general idea to act because I want a positive outcome, not a negative one. I think it has given my days a little more spark than before, and that tense day-to-day, continuous buzzing in my head has definitely toned down. Of course, that could also have to do with the fact that I gave myself about 2 weeks off from work, and even though my household was plagued with some horrid, miscellaneous gastrointestinal virus for the last week of 2021, it was so refreshing to just be Mom and nothing else. 

As I buckle down to face 2022 and the intimidating dreams (ahem, plans.) I have for this year, I want the Move Mindfully adage to be my number 1 resolution. It helps even on the small stuff. Especially on the small stuff. Daily example: In about 15 minutes I will go wash my dishes because I like having a clean kitchen to work with and I deserve it. I will not go wash my dishes because they've been sitting there for 2 days and I'm disgusting. Mindfulness matters. 

I feel like life has me in a little bit of a limbo right now, and not sure where my plans are headed. This is the first year since I became a teenager that I don't remember having a set list of resolutions, goals, or even wishes to achieve, so I took a few minutes to think of how I'd like my year to go, strictly based on previous years. 

  1. Move Mindfully
  2. Read 42 new books
  3. Pay off our new windows, $7,300 by November
  4. Save between $10,000 and $16,000 depending on both of our jobs throughout the year
  5. Declutter 1 room of my house each month 
  6. Send at least 25 items to Amazon FBA every week
  7. Drink 1 bottle of water with 1 meal each day
  8. Blog at least once every quarter

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Quick "How much can I type before my children wake up" Excercise

 Bro how do you even spell exercise? I used to be great at spelling until I started typing everything into a text instead of a Word file. 

Anyway, welcome lost and displaced reader, I don't know why you ended up on this blog, but it is in dire need of repairs. Let me begin by introducing myself with random bullet points because everyone loves lists: 

  • Who, what, when, where, why-type of statements:
    • I'm an almost-32 year old mom of 2
      • #boymom
      • #whereisthatsmellcomingfrom
    • Other than motherhood, I also dilly dally on Amazon FBA and work in the solar industry
      • #bossbabe? sometimes.
      • #workfromhomehotmess
      • #pleasebuysolarfromme
    • Corpus Christi Texas! Love the endless supply of fast food, hate the humidity
      • #alsopeoplehereareprettycool
      • #letsgohooks
      • #pleaseuseturnsignals
    • Started this blog in the good ole days when I had no children and ample amount of free time
      • #andthenlifegotbusy
      • #andigotlesscreative
      • #butimisstypingforfun
    • Why did I decide to remove the cobwebs from this url and poke at my keyboard? My kids are asleep, I took a random mid-day shower out of boredom, and with no child fights outside my door to listen to, my brain had some free time to just wander, and arrived at this destination. 
      • Not a useless hashtag, but now I'm finally realizing why I haven't blogged in so long! 
      • I used to blog because I loved the feeling of typing on super thin laptop keys, and when I switched to a desktop, it stopped being physically satisfying to click at keys super fast. 
      • Too bad, I'm committed now, I must finish. 
  • Random things I love, collect, or hoard: 

    • Laundry detergent
    • Harry Potter Funko Pops
    • Soups and sandwiches
    • Scented candles
      • but no vanilla-y scents, that's gross
    • Comfy sandals
    • Really dark sunglasses 
    • Comfy joggers 
      • with pockets!
    • Jigsaw puzzles
    • Monopoly games
    • Notebooks, planners, and pretty pens
    • Cherry sodas
    • Books, ebooks, audiobooks, bookshelves, book quotes, book decor, & anything book related
  • Random things I'd love to learn more about:
    • HowToFileTaxes
    • Phlebotomy
    • cleaning hacks
    • Kid-friendly dinner recipes
    • Genetics
    • When does a theory stop being a theory and become a law? 
  • Random things I don't care for, don't know how to do, or intimidate me:
    • celery
    • interior decorating
    • manual driving
    • plants of any kind
    • mint chocolate
    • too much socializing
    • shoes with heels
    • earrings
Oh crap, kids woke up, I must leave again, peace! 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

A Catch-All Post for Catching Up

 I was recently reminded of the existence of this blog and how it's in dire need of an update, so I came to pay it a visit. Did I really begin this blog in 2013? Has it really been seven years? How did I have this much free time! How did I so easily share my thoughts on a random blog with little to no visitors? Also, WHY? 

Life sure has changed lately. Although most of my days drag on, time in general moves quickly; every parent knows this... "the days are slow but the years are fast". I will make an attempt to breathe some life back into A Lot About Living, here we go: 

In no particular order, here are random blurbs about... the past two-ish years?

 And this is me right now:

  • I'm a mom times two! I scroll thru pictures on my phone more often than is normal, and whenever I see photos of Emmett without Greyson they just look so unnatural! 
  • Shortly after Greyson's birth we lost our beloved Venom. I still carry deep guilt about his death and will carry it with me until the day I die. We talk about him often and have his picture on our fridge. RIP sweet boy.
  • We added a white German Shepherd girl to our pack after Venom's passing: Alaska. For a while there I went a little insane caring for a newborn, a kitten, a puppy, and a preschooler who refused to potty train. Life involved cleaning A LOT of poop in those days. 
  • We bought a house while I was prego: the news of our house purchase and a new baby all came on the same day to our loved ones. It was not planned too far in advance, and we scrambled together down-payment money in about 4 months. Upon move in, our savings were depleted to just a few hundred dollars. It was a panicky time, but worth it. 
  • Philip had a steady, well-paying, local job for 2.5 years: the longest in his oil field career. All good things come to an end, however, and he has been unemployed for almost 3 weeks now. (Here is us waiting until we'd dropped off the kids at Grandma's before busting out the cookies we didn't feel like sharing 😂)
  • Cars. Trucks. SUVs. All Wyeth-related vehicles seem to have terrible luck, and I don't think it's preventable. 
    • 3 weeks before Grey's birth my RAV4 (Shae) was stolen out of our driveway, along with some personal belongings from our foyer. I was limping around to doctor appointments on a borrowed vehicle for about three months before gritting my teeth and purchasing a VW sedan.  
    • Peter the Passat was a great vehicle! I chose cheap and used instead of new and leased, and I was pleasantly surprised. VW cars (especially turbo models) will likely be in my wish-list. During one unfortunate out of town mini-vacation (and right after purchasing new tires! ugh!) a complete moron of a driver backed up HARD into our parked car at a hotel parking lot and totaled it. 
    • About 4 months prior to the Peter disaster, Philip's truck (Claire) had some major mechanical breakdowns. We tried trading it in for a new one but every dealership offered insultingly low amounts, so instead we shared Peter until we had enough saved up for repairs, about $4,000! On this side of the struggle, I'm glad we sacrificed and made it work instead of incurring more debt. The Dave Ramsey way, I guess. 
    • We financed Holly the Highlander as a replacement for Peter the Passat. Now I feel extra mom-ish everywhere I go; just one step down from a minivan. It's super comfortable and spacey: plenty of room for a GSD, two kids, two adults, and any other nonsense we are transporting. Please, please, please, universe: Send us good car vibes so that nothing unnatural happens to Holly for the next 60 months or so. 
    • Emmett started Head Start! I was a nervous, trembling, stuttering wreck on the first day. The school was across town and after getting in my car I had the irrational idea that I'd just wait on the sidewalk for him (newborn baby in tow) until the school day finished. Then Grey started crying (he hates car seats) so I had to grit my teeth and wipe tears from my eyes as I drove home. 
      • I had to pull him kicking and screaming (take all of that literally) into the classroom every day for three weeks, (stubborn child) until he got used to it. 
      • Grandma taught right across the hall from him and eased my mind a ton, such a blessing! It helped him transition and get used to the new routine as well. 
      • Head Start took him from two-word mumbles to five-word sentences in a shocking amount of time! Sadly COVID got in the way after Spring Break, so we've been at home ever since. (remote learning is trash. the teachers are absolute wonderful angels from heaven, but 4 year olds don't learn from screens) 

    • We have so far survived 2020 unscathed. Everyone is happy, healthy, and no longer on the verge of locked-up insanity. In the early days of the pandemic we decided that even if we had to social distance, we'd allow visitations to and from 1 other household (my in-laws) because it's just necessary. 
    • Philip still likes hunting: he spends a lot of money on guns. 
    • I still like couponing: I spend a little money on a hoard of laundry detergent products. (If you don't understand that obsession, that's okay because neither do I)
      • To be fair, I also spend a considerable amount of money on books, kindle books, Audible, and Funko Pops. It evens out.
    • We now have two nephews! Gohan is just 1 month and 1 day younger than Greyson, I hope that they grow to be close friends all their lives. Gohan's younger brother Anakin just turned 1 month, he is itty bitty scary small, but that's just because my babies were huge at birth. The jokes about needing a girl in the family are getting old: I love being a boy mom and I'm ok if it stays that way. 

    And lastly: life with boys. 

    Life with boys is chaotic. It's one loud, messy, sticky, fast moving tornado. My home is in constant state of disarray: books, toys, Hot Wheels, Dinotrux, sippy cups, crackers, crumbs, diapers, dog hair, lone socks, LEGO, markers, magnets, boxes, blankets, shoes... everywhere, all the time, in every nook and cranny. These kids are like little machines with megaphones and charged up batteries. They are in constant motion, sometimes even in sleep. Time doesn't stand still for kids; quite the opposite. They race against it, always learning, always exploring, always moving forward. 
    It's surprising, really. Even on days where I'm and my most un-mom-est, when the TV is on for hours and I feed cereal and lunchables... they learn. They find something new that can be built with empty boxes, or learn how to push stools to climb on something higher and more dangerous. They find new places to hide, new words to surprise me with, new ways to make us happy. 
    I love my boys. Emmett with his big-brother, always-helpful attitude that just wants to have fun... Greyson the dauntless baby-turned-toddler giving it all to keep up. I love to see them interact, I love how caring comes naturally to Emmett, I love how fearless Greyson is growing up to be. I love that I can still find matching clothes for them. I love how  they climb on mom and dad whenever we sit still. I love hearing the pitter-patter of running feet on the floor above. 

    This morning I woke up and gave myself an hour to read my current book before getting out of bed (I've just started the Divergent series). I didn't know I'd end up blogging today, but I found a quote in the book and I highlighted it. 

    "If my entire life is like this, loud laughter and bold action and the kind of exhaustion you feel after a hard but satisfying day, I will be content." 

    I've decided it's the perfect fit for my life. It's not always exhausting, it's not always loud, it isn't always even fun... but it's a lot of living and a little love in the little world that is our home, and I will forever be content with it. 

    Friday, July 12, 2019

    The Birth of Greyson Efran

    So I had a plan to type this all out while at the hospital and then just copy and paste everything over.... that didn't happen. It's a miracle I'm sitting down to type it now, actually, but I'm determined to record it, even though my memories are somewhat failing.

    Tuesday, June 18th 2019

    • 4:00 AM: Woke up Philip and drove to the hospital to get induced... No idea why we had to be there so crazy early, OR why I had to call at 2 AM to tell them I was coming. Upon arrival we were taken to the second floor waiting area and told that they were getting my room ready. 
    • 5:00 AM: Still waiting in waiting area... what's the point of calling ahead? 
    • 5:30 AM: Finally in delivery room getting hooked up to things and answering a lot of questions. The IV needle hurts, nurse places it in the exact spot as with Emmett's delivery (I can tell because it left a mole-like mark on my hand and she said that was the best vein she could find). 
    • 6:00 AM: Baby Greyson won't stop moving around and the monitors keep going silent, it is extremely uncomfortable (almost painful) for me to sit up reclined on the bed, I haven't been able to do this comfortably for weeks. The only comfortable positions are sitting straight up cross-legged or laying on my right side completely horizontal. 
    • 7:00 AM: baby has finally stayed on for 50 minutes, I'm afraid to move and mess it up. Lots of pressure on my bladder. Penicillin makes my entire arm sting and it's impossible to sleep or rest since moving my arm around eases the sting. 
    • 8:15 AM: Oxytocin started on the lowest dose, still too painful to sit reclined so I lay on my side. No pain from contractions, but pro is that I am able to get up to use the bathroom whenever I want... and the IV fluids make me want to pee a lot. It's awkward, but manageable. 
    • 9:30 AM: My mom shows up, Oxytocin was increased because my contractions are spaced too far apart with no regular pattern. 
    • 10:00 AM: Still nothing happening (or so I think). Contractions feel uncomfortable, but not painful. It's also getting hard to breathe. 
    • 11:30 AM: Tried to get up to use the bathroom for the 3rd time and a gush of blood came out of me. I called the nurse to help me clean myself up, and instead of letting me go use the bathroom she made me get back on the bed and called my doctor. Evil. 
    • 11:40 AM: I was forced to pee in a bedpan while my doctor was on her way, so awkward. 
    • 11:50 AM: Mom asks "are your contractions hurting a lot yet?" I begin to respond "not really" and halfway thru speaking an extremely painful contraction shows up and they never leave again. 
    • 12:00 PM: Doctor comes in, checks my cervix, and I'm dilated to 5 cm. Without removing her hand she also breaks my water (gross feeling) and places an internal fetal heart monitor on baby's scalp because the belly monitor is not consistent. All of this is awful. They ask if I'm ready for an epidural yet, I think it's still too early for one but thank goodness I said yes. 
    • 12:30 PM: Anesthesiologist finally shows up, (I was second in line) and all this time I've been moaning in pain and struggling to breathe. It takes him a while to set up, and to me it feels like an eternity. It was so hard to keep still during such painful contractions. Also, I tried to break Philip's fingers off. He looked at me like he was bored and done with the whole thing. 
    • 1:00 PM: After the epidural (which hurt a lot more than the one with Emmett, I felt it shoot up all the way up my spine) I'm left waiting for the warm, soaking-in-a-bathtub feeling that I had with the previous epidural... it never comes. My entire right leg and side became numb, but the pressure on my bladder became insanely painful. 
    • 1:15 PM: Nurse half helps half forces me to turn to my left side so that the pain medication will numb my left leg too... it sort of does but a lot less than my right. My bladder is in agony. 
    • 1:35 PM: I've been telling my mom "ok I'm going to switch sides, I'm going to switch sides" but the pain is so bad that I take forever rolling over. (But hey, I did it, contractions and all.)
    • 1:45 PM: Still moaning thru some crazy pain, I'm terrified at the thought of pushing for 90 minutes at this level of pain (that's how long Emmett took). I felt like I needed to push, so my body sort of did it without my instruction. Once I announced "omg I'm pooping" Philip freaked out and ran to get my nurse. 
    • 1:50 PM: Nurse came in, removed my blankets, lifted my leg (I was on my side) and said "You're complete, girl!" and called the delivery team. I was hella confused and said "what does that mean??" and she responded with "it means baby is coming" and again I said "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?"
    • 1:55 PM: Nurse literally grabbed my leg and pulled me onto my back because I couldn't (or wouldn't) move, delivery team cleaned me up, someone forced Phil off the couch and to come help hold my left leg. (Phil looked at literally anywhere besides me, I hated him at that moment).
    • 2:00 PM: Doctor told me to push! Things happened too fast for me to process, I gave one minimal-effort, experimental push and couldn't believe her when she said "almost there, almost there..."
    • 2:01 PM: Next contraction, I actually pushed like I was supposed to and baby was out! I could not believe how quickly it all went! Two pushes vs the hundred or so with Emmett... I asked her "did that really just happen?" and she said "Yes! It's over!" and they comment on how quickly I went from 5cm to birth. 
    • 2:05 PM: (probably) placenta is delivered, Philip cuts umbilical cord, and doctor asks for a chair so she can stitch me up comfortably. She said I tore along the same line as a previous tear, but not as badly. 

    Tuesday, June 11, 2019

    The Prego Diaries #2: Week 23

    I've been wondering when the next time I sit down to blog will be. Someone recently mentioned to me how she loves crafts to keep busy, and I realized I have let go of what used to be one of my favorite hobbies in favor of useless TV watching. Must change that.
    So, dear blog, I'm very obviously pregnant again! And it's a baby boy! I always had a feeling it was another boy, but so many people said it was a girl (almost everyone I know) that I started imagining raising a daughter and it sort of stuck until the gender reveal. I feel like I have to re-arrange my brain a little, but thankfully there's tons of hand-me-downs for little brother!

    Hands down the hardest part of this has been finding a name... P and I both had long lists of girl names and a huge blank of boy names. To make it even harder, he wants his name to begin with an E, so that limits things a ton. Hopefully we will get there before his birth, poor little guy.
