I've been wondering when the next time I sit down to blog will be. Someone recently mentioned to me how she loves crafts to keep busy, and I realized I have let go of what used to be one of my favorite hobbies in favor of useless TV watching. Must change that.
So, dear blog, I'm very obviously pregnant again! And it's a baby boy! I always had a feeling it was another boy, but so many people said it was a girl (almost everyone I know) that I started imagining raising a daughter and it sort of stuck until the gender reveal. I feel like I have to re-arrange my brain a little, but thankfully there's tons of hand-me-downs for little brother!
Hands down the hardest part of this has been finding a name... P and I both had long lists of girl names and a huge blank of boy names. To make it even harder, he wants his name to begin with an E, so that limits things a ton. Hopefully we will get there before his birth, poor little guy.